Examensår: 2018
Arbetar i yrket: Egenföretagare inom jordbrukssektorn. Han råder småskaliga bönder och vill skapa nya innovationer för att förenkla och skapa affärer för bönder.
Altho hälsar: "My future plan is to have an agro-company which will be able to:
- Farm and keep animals in modern way where youth and women groups can use the piece of land I will have as demonstration center for modern farming and information seeking as we fight against unemployment within Tanzanian youths.
- Host a website bridging the gap between people with capital who wish to invest in agribusiness but don´t have time and skills, and the farmers who do have land, time and manpower but lack capital. The company shall also mentor and supervise these funded farmers.
- Running a mobile phone application which will be able to provide weather-data to Tanzanian farmers depending on their locality, use Artificial Intelligence in detection of plant diseases and pest as well as suggesting corrective measures to be taken by these farmers. It will also bridge the market information gap between farmers and markets by linking seller and buyer or final user directly. The aim is to exclude crop auctioners who exploit farmers because they don't have market data of different regions in Tanzania."